Mom Help

The Best Advice For Every Type Of Parent

Don't Worry, I Got Your Back

Here at Tiffanylee Studios, I want each and everyone of you to know that whatever you are doing right now, whatever choices you are making as a parent, are good ones.  And you can stick with them or you can try something different.  We are on this journey of parenthood together, no matter what type of parent we are.  None of us are perfect at it because we are all still learning.  We will make mistakes, we will fall, we will have days when we think we just can’t do it anymore.  But we will also have victories, and joy, and a whole lot of fun.  

How you are raising your children is based on your experience and yours alone.  No one can tell you how to do it, we can just share our own experiences and hope it relates to or inspires someone else.   Our children are all different little people and if we all raised them the same exact way, would they really stay different little people?

So, today, if you said something harsh to you child, or hid in a closet and cried, cleaned up a mess that your child should have cleaned, or didn’t clean up at all.  Whatever happened today to make you feel like you were less of a parent compared to the moms you see on social media, know that I support you. I get that you are only human and are doing the best you can at the moment.  I don’t expect you to be the perfect parent.  I expect you to make mistakes.  A lot of them.  Because in life, mistakes are how we learn and what leads to improvement.  And it’s how we teach our kids that it’s okay to falter.  We can’t compare ourselves to how we think people see us, we can only compare ourselves to who we were yesterday.
