Hotel Adventures: Just Winging it

Jan 7, 2021

After a decent snowstorm, we took the new snow tubes gifted us for Christmas. The kids had a blast and more than a few close calls. 😬
Side note: sledding through the trees was entirely
Tyle’s idea and I was fully against it. 😜
We also found a secret star we a QR code on it but the video the code linked to was broken.
So, we are still in the hotel. Why? Well, if you remember, we couldn’t get our RV to the repair guy because of the snowstorm. He has limited space in his barn for RV’s and cold weather makes a warm and toasty barn the ideal spot. But it doesn’t appear to be getting any warmer anytime soon. Add that to the fact that there is still a shipping delay going on and RV guy can’t get the supplies he needs to fix the RVs currently residing in his barn. o, every couple of days we extend our stay a bit longer. At this point Tyler is considering doing the repairs himself this weekend via YouTube University. So we will see how that goes.

And get this! Turns out there are at least 3 other families living in the RV camp, waiting for their houses to close. Turns out we aren’t the only crazy ones!

Other than that, surprisingly things have been rather uneventful. No drama, no terrible accidents, no surprise bad news. At least on a personal level, cause we all know about he unrest on the national level. But because we are simply in a waiting period right now, we’ve actually found ourselves, well, BORED. So I’ve been trying to keep myself busy. I forced myself to use my planner and start planning my days out again even though I don’t have work at the moment. But, when I have scheduled things to do, my days go by so much faster.

But, despite the full on WTH that happened yesterday at the Capital  building, I’m not yet ready to give up on 2021. There still so much left in the year and I desperately want to believe that this is all just 2020 going into overtime. Which might make me naive, but I like to think of it as holding onto the hope that causes me not to go out of my every loving mind. Because expecting another year of unending doom would probably put me over the edge.

So here we are, holding out, watching life go by, and just winging it.